Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2007 Podcasts > Opening segment The Belcher screws with Robb
3/20/2007 - Segment 2 | views (5407) | comments (6) | add comment
Opening segment The Belcher screws with Robb
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Other podcasts from 3/20/2007:
1 - 24 recap and come calls Comments(0)
2 - Opening segment The Belcher screws with Robb
3 - Peter Noone phoner Comments(0)
Tues Mar 20, 2007: American Radio Show
Almost no mention of D&M on the WJFK website
Caller is a 2-time loser, wants to commiserate with Mike

6/30/2009 06:21:12 - by Fatass
Belcher rules, Robb drools.

7/5/2009 18:14:38 - by streamthedgs!
I LOVE The Belcher. I will surely miss hearing him and hope he archives his large amass of material somewhere we can get at it. I need my Belcher fix as bad as I need the shows!

2/10/2013 00:15:09 - by Adam Rich
The Belcher will be missed. The Belcher was so talented and intelligent. R.I.P. Frank.

1/29/2014 14:39:32 - by Norm Wilson
This segment is awesome. The Belcher's calls to Robb are excellent. I have heard this podcast several times.
I think the phone caller that was talking about his divorce was fake. Just the way the guy was not answering the questions in a timely manner, really had me believe he was fake. You could tell that Mike's crap detector went off rather quickly with this idiots phone call.

2/6/2014 12:20:57 - by Scott Arney
I love how the Belcher goes in for the kill at approximately 13 minutes and 15 seconds into the clip. The Belcher absolutely destroys Robb and the car salesman scheisters.

9/1/2022 12:26:10 - by Carmichael Dave
Robb gets manhandled and destroyed by the
Belcher. Great effort by the late Belcher.

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