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1/6/2003 - Segment 1 | views (9328) | comments (3) | add comment
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1 - 010603.mp3
Mon January 6, 2003: First live show since they went on vacation.
Don's father-in-law Les passes away, 12/22.
Don loses 20 pounds (goal is 30lbs, for his upcoming back surgery).
Big Freda may move in.
Bart is accepted to Clemson.
Don's earth-dog brother Jim is DNA-identified in a paternity suit, ends up in an altercation with the child's mother, is arrested on an outsanding warrant (172 parking tickets).
Don's picks for the playoffs: Eagles, Bucs, Raiders and Titans.
Mike vacations in Florida.
Mike's sleeping gear (breathing aparatus for his sleep apnia arrives.
Mike's meltdown over NY Giants loss to SF.
Teases for: Joe Ardinger Millionaire, Leah Remini's Wedding

1/25/2011 17:25:42 - by Boad
Don talks about the death of his Father-in-Law

1/5/2013 11:32:27 - by D&M Fan
This show should be required listening for every listener
who thinks that Don Geronimo is a total a-hole; the opening
segment is a very touching tribute to Don's late father-in-
law and the very special bond the two of them shared. Don's
love for the Les Wright comes through loud and clear, as
does Les's love for and acceptance of a young man who never
really had a dad. I confess, it made me tear up a bit.

On a lighter note, this is the show before the guys
discovered the train wreck that was "Joe Millionaire", the
FOX reality show that proved how incredibly shallow and
stupid some women can be. (I was embarrassed to be a
woman!). Also entertaining was the stories of James Phillips
Sorce, who managed to rack up nearly 200 parking tickets --
in Wisconsin! To quote Mr. Potter, "Happy New Year to prison!"

4/11/2013 16:47:23 - by MIke
Love this site. Talk radio has not been the same with D&M gone.

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