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2/27/2003 - Segment 1 | views (6101) | comments (3) | add comment
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1 - 022703.mp3
Thurs February 27, 2003: Not Enough Bandwidth
Best-of: Gretchen from Survivor phoner, the Re-invented Dennis Murphy
DC Weather
Freda goes to Driving School so Don can go to Vegas
Strip Trivia
Michael Jackson parody song letter
Robert Blake
Mr. Skin (Leslie Vega, Jennifer Love Hewitt)
Stump the Stupe (Disco)
Hotline to Heaven (Mr. Rogers)

3/1/2011 16:31:58 - by Jables
Belcher opening, Don and Robb talk about going out to Vegas, the guys read a letter from a fan who sent in a parody song that sucked. Charley does the weather. Mr. Skin phoner. Stump the stoop. and debating its fairness with dumb callers. Hotline to heaven with Fred Rogers.

2/27/2015 12:08:30 - by D&M Fan
Love, love, LOVE "Stump the Stupe" and it's really a great
bit when they have callers like "Black Chris" who can give
"Super-DEE-JAY Doni G" a run for his money. Well done,
sirrah! Jim Skin delivers, as always, and the Robert Blake
discussion had me spitting Diet Coke through my nose. But
the highlight for me was the unexpected appearance by
Charly on the National Weather Service line. Twelve years
later and they STILL can't forecast the weather with any
greater degree of accuracy. Maybe it's a bandwidth issue?

1/25/2020 07:00:47 - by Patrick
I love don and mike but this is the worst
show of theirs I have heard. The parody
bit was wayyyyyy to long and tedious..

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