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5/7/2004 - Segment 1 | views (5585) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 050704.mp3
Fri May 7, 2004: Don has Frank Murphy's Brain in his Basement
The protest during the Rumsfeld testimony
The cicada panic
Friends finale recap
News scan
Phoner with a woman who has John Wayne Gacy's brain in her basement
Phone scan
LBJ (Bush)

6/21/2016 12:41:23 - by D&M Fan
I find it absolutely charming that Don is so fixated on
John Wayne Gacy's brain that every question he asks
during the interview with the doctor who has studied
serial killers centers on the brain -- does it smell?
does it have any hairs coming out of it? Mike, on the
other hand, is totally freaked out by the doctor's
comments on the brain and serial killers in general.
Another fun D&M moment centers on a "Superman" promotion
with MLB, where the logo (or a web or something) was to
be printed on the bases. Mike the Baseball Purist is
horrified, but Don rightly notes that no one really sees
the base pads on a TV broadcast. I think that promo died
a quick and painless death. A couple more laugh out loud
moments from LBJ and GWB's inability to apologize (sounds
a lot like Trump there!). Plus, a great story about
locking the gals from Bananarama (I think that was the
group) out of the studio because they had appeared on
another morning show before they arrived for an
appearance with D&M back in the 1980s. Too funny.

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