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3/6/2007 - Segment 1 | views (17676) | comments (1) | add comment
FCC Discussion
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Other podcasts from 3/6/2007:
1 - FCC Discussion
2 - Jody Baby Doll Gibson phoner Comments(0)
3 - Seg 2 Texas DJ anti porn tapes Comments(0)
Tues Mar 6, 2007: Why Do You Make Daddy Hit You?
Weird woman caller
Can't talk about vaginal reconstruction surgery
Parking sucks at the new building
What does a hymen look like?
Texas redneck radio recap
Moron the George Putnam sex warning tapes
Leah Remini article in The Onion
Phoner with The Hollywood Madam
FCC complaint letters on The Smoking Gun
Regis (Mike) discusses leaving "America's Got Talent"

6/16/2014 22:12:24 - by Phillyphil
Listening to this and currently working for the government proves, this is
exactly how "agendaholics" are given so much power to make life less
enjoyable for the rest of us. Serious complaints about detrimental issues
by intelligent people and people in the know are ignored but dumb ass stuff,
like letters to the FCC from bible thumpers with an agenda, who think their
opinion alone matters and that they speak for everyone, are entertained
and take the the utmost priority. So many problems in this country and a
major issue is what content is on (radio and tv), 2 things people can freely
tune in and out of whatever and whenever they want and not be offended,
has to be controlled by a government entity. You can't swear, use
suggestive language or show nudity on air but some guy getting his face
shot off on tv is acceptable. The hypocrisy needs to end, it's gone on long

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