Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2007 Podcasts > Larry King Tribute part 1
4/18/2007 - Segment 1 | views (22942) | comments (13) | add comment
Larry King Tribute part 1
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Other podcasts from 4/18/2007:
1 - Larry King Tribute part 1
2 - Larry King Tribute part 2 Comments(12)
3 - Naked Wrestling phoner Comments(0)
Wed Ajdury 18, 2007: Pushing the Buttons of DJ Hero
American Idol recap
Paula Abdul and fatties on a plane
Don finds an old quote from USA where he denounced having score info on NFL broadcasts
Don loves the Guitar Hero
Entertainment news
Phoner with Naked Women Wrestlers
Lay King 50th Anniversary tribute

5/15/2009 14:07:47 - by RubberBalls
So goddamn funny! The "duker!" Thanks again for this vintage broadcast excellence.

7/9/2009 11:37:56 - by mcfadone
paintyourbaldspot's name sake clip...

7/17/2009 01:38:20 - by Chickenfoot14
Larry fucking rocks!!!!

9/13/2009 14:28:27 - by Djangoman
The "B.O.Bob" who made the classic Duke Ziebert's call ("Why are you doing this? Don't do this.") is Bob Cesca, who has one of the best political blogs online today - And he didn't even pay me to write this!

10/21/2009 20:56:13 - by Billybobmarley
Too damn funny,thanks for this site!

9/5/2010 22:32:25 - by Lordy Lordy
I never knew where paint your baldspot came from but its a very funny piece of audio with Larry fighting with the guy on air as he just keeps repeating the phrase. Don and Mike for President(s).

10/19/2010 11:33:14 - by LARRY KING

4/14/2011 23:34:56 - by Scatter The Monkey
Thank you so goddamn much for this site, jack. It pleases me greatly. Plus

7/29/2013 16:58:03 - by Patrick
easily Don and Mike at their best!!!!! too funny !! I am currently working at Mental Hospital in South Carolina.... and Don and Mike puts me in such a good will be extra jello for all tonight!!!!

9/5/2015 04:44:34 - by TheGrooveRoom
"You Can Doctah Tapes"...........!!!!

9/10/2015 02:55:18 - by Rob S.
Whoever supplies it, denies it.

1/23/2021 13:06:13 - by Mizark
RIP Lay King, an excellent Larry King D&M overview at the top of the show

1/23/2021 16:22:43 - by Dr. Tapes
God Speed Layking. But Lemmeasyasumthin' Whyacaaah?

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