Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2008 Podcasts > Segment 6 Big Box O Crap
3/13/2008 - Segment 6 | views (4832) | comments (1) | add comment
Segment 6 Big Box O Crap
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Other podcasts from 3/13/2008:
Thurs Mar 13, 2008: There's No Joy in Mudville
Billy Crystal struck out
Fights with callers
American Idol / Regis recap
That woman who sat on a toilet for 2 years recap
Wearing old-man glasses
The Most Powerful Woman in Sports
Robb gets a box of bad songs, bad movies
Moron American Idol

3/15/2018 11:21:07 - by brucedickhamster
Coming upon the decade mark for this old vic chestnutt a
certain sadness dims all the more for a settled life
groove as it were (especially to visit this ghost of
christmas past and then come to the feasting present) I
remember assuming the position for listening as I had for
so many years, within my bedroom, one or another. It's
harder to remember the weeks after this when Spring hadn't
truly begun and the weather hadn't changed and my sleep
schedule combined with my social life and living situation
made for a penultimate depression, when you really think
about it THIS was the last episode, without a clue of
betrayl to all of us after the initial announcement and
the followup announcement and then the surprise.

Big. Box. O. Crap. What we all become

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