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4/11/2008 - Segment 8 | views (11745) | comments (20) | add comment
Final Show Segment 8
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Other podcasts from 4/11/2008:
1 - Final Show Segment 1 Comments(9)
2 - Final Show Segment 2 Comments(3)
3 - Final Show Segment 3 Comments(2)
4 - Final Show Segment 4 Comments(2)
5 - Final Show Segment 5 Comments(5)
6 - Final Show Segment 6 Comments(0)
7 - Final Show Segment 7 Comments(2)
8 - Final Show Segment 8
Fri Ajdury 11, 2008: The Last Chapter
No guests, no calls, no clips. Just talk among themselves as The Show comes to an end.

7/24/2009 01:45:05 - by DAve
First Don retired, this show made this grown man cry.

Then Mike and the crew got canceled. There's a big hole in my radio now.


8/1/2009 20:55:45 - by Joey
I will quote a sound bite that D&M used often on their last show: "I don't look at the hole..." --Simon Cowell

I thoroughly enjoyed all of their "serious" shows because it showed us a side of them we rarely saw.

Really miss you, really.

10/5/2009 21:08:24 - by Wes
I listened to the Don & Mike Show from 1992 to its close. I really miss it. I was able to get on the air with them on the last day and told them that once the show was over that the radio airwaves would become an awfully empty place. Thanks for all the laughs and smile, guys....sure was glad to have come across ye....

11/3/2009 03:37:24 - by Fatass
Well aren't you something?

11/3/2009 09:50:25 - by mcfadone
Good job carrying the fight to other posts fatass!

11/3/2009 20:32:35 - by Fatass
Thanks for noticing and thanks for providing a forum to do so. It looks like Wes is ignoring my taunts though.
But most of all thanks for this site man!
Hey did ya ever suck the jelly out of a jelly doughnut and
fill it with chocolate swirl ice cream?

11/3/2009 21:32:34 - by mcfadone
get the honey JR.

1/12/2010 15:31:18 - by Scorch
Had a terrible case of the shits and had to listen to this on a radio in our sweaty bathroom. Wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

5/4/2010 03:50:23 - by nitropugs
damn............damn.......makes my jaw repressed goodness, never to be repressed or scene again....or seen again.....

5/21/2012 11:17:06 - by Muchdung
For me the show kind of ended back in 2003, or 2004, when
Don 'n Mike got in the doghouse after saying BULLS##T on-the-
air episode and had to totally clean up and mellow out the
show. This was also just after the Janet Jackson incident that
ruined anything fun in broadcasting afterwards. That also
ruined a broadcasting job for me as well back then come to
think of it. I think that we all felt bad that Don 'n Mike
could no longer push the envelope in their show after that.

1/22/2013 15:17:56 - by Robotech
Bueno ar busto!!! Miss you guys...

7/30/2013 08:00:28 - by Andy Howard
February 3, 2004 -- The "Bullsh#t" show.

8/1/2013 19:24:50 - by Jason Mac
Listening to the Don Geronimo on KHTK and I am loving it.

12/11/2014 09:17:42 - by Mickle Schwitz
With the state of Radio/Media the way it is now, even if Freda
had lived and D&M went on, by now (12/11/2014, as I type
this), the show would have been off the air. Probably since
2011 or so. That kind of radio doesn't exist anymore,
anywhere. That's why all the parties involved in the old show
are on line now. If you're on talk radio now, your format is
political news or sports, not "straight-forward" entertainment
anymore. Hopefully, it will return someday.

4/6/2016 11:36:25 - by BM Eater
Will never forget em...and whatnot.

7/21/2016 13:55:40 - by Don and Mike My Brothers
In My Life I Loved YOU More...

mcfadone~~ Starting over... thank you, you da man

8/16/2016 04:59:37 - by Farkle McSnork
Did anybody ASK Don to do THIS show? After years of
separation from it, it seems like "let ME do MY farewell."
A better idea would have been for Mike, Buzz, Beth and Robb
to do a send off / roast with him. This is very Kathy Lee.

4/11/2018 18:00:29 - by Steve Garland
JUST Pee-PIL! <3 :)

4/11/2018 18:00:55 - by Steve Garland
JUST Pee-PIL! <3 :)

4/11/2018 18:01:30 - by Steve Garland
JUST Pee-PIL! <3 :)

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