Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2006 Podcasts > 20060607 Fredas Birthday Segment
6/7/2006 - Segment 1 | views (4753) | comments (4) | add comment
20060607 Fredas Birthday Segment
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Wed June 7, 2006: HBF
It's Freda's birthday, so they play a best-of segment featuring her
- Freda helps Bart move in at Clemmson
Today's tedious drunk first-break tard caller is brought to you by Liver-right
Don battles the Lindsay Lohans of the world at the strip mall
Adrian invites Don to the Pokey-nos to watch neck-car
Fight with a caller
Mike never got his birthday present magazines from Robb
Dude walker cuts liners, commercial for SeX-Men
Entertainment news
Mike wants to be treated the way he treats others
Craig Wilson (relationship deal-breakers)
Who wrote this bad ad copy?

5/6/2010 15:37:22 - by Cast
Sounds like 2005...

5/11/2010 03:26:46 - by NitroPugs
Cast is's 2005. Freda was in the car crash July 10th, 2005 so how she's alive in this segment is quite something......

5/11/2010 03:57:18 - by NitroPugs
Kinda eerieeeeee....creepy. Voice of the dead.....

8/10/2010 10:06:20 - by gob
Don and Freda had such amazing (on-air) chemistry. Funny lady.

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