Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2006 Podcasts > 20061012 ESPN mess and the Pepsi guy
10/12/2006 - Segment 1 | views (3610) | comments (1) | add comment
20061012 ESPN mess and the Pepsi guy
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1 - 20061012 ESPN mess and the Pepsi guy
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Thurs Oct 12, 2006: Manufactured Meanness
Liddle's airplane crash recap*
Dumbass from Pepsi calls a show run by a host who drinks Coke
Don's daughter Amy takes a cab to the hospital for spinal surgery
Phoner with MNF's Joe Theismann
Thou shalt not criticize The Show
Mike starts a new diet with a Diet 'Eve celebration
Mike is awakened by the stench of his own fart
Happy 10th wedding anniversary to Robb
Mel Gibson/Diane Sawyer interview recap
* - He was traded to the Angels -- Robb

10/22/2009 17:03:35 - by Scorch
Oh god, The Pepsi Guy. What a schmuck. Though in fairness, that might be the best to come out of Cecil County in a long time.

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