Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2005 Podcasts > 08-10-05
8/10/2005 - Segment 1 | views (7092) | comments (3) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 8/10/2005:
1 - 08-10-05
Wed Aug 10, 2005: My Son is Really a Daughter, Who Whines About Hurt Feelings to the GM
BA comes up with a comedy bit about the runaway bride
Slow Joe writes "My Son is a Registered Sex Offender" on mini-van windows
Fugly girls on the porn channels, still can't achieve blast-off
Don gets a sympathy card from Johnny Cakes of The Junkies
Qualifying callers for Neil Diamond concert tix
Dude Walker cuts liners
News scan, and Don is in the Wikipedia (http//
Phoner with a 50-year-old Peter Pan, from
Don gets an email from Todd Hughes, saying that other DJs' feelings were hurt about Don's comment about the receipt of a sympathy card

7/6/2009 22:58:58 - by Drew Interview

5/8/2010 16:51:59 - by moose
Is there anyway to hear full segments of the old stuff?

5/19/2010 15:50:23 - by dave
thanks for having this on line. it was the best comedy show ever.

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