Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2005 Podcasts > 11-09-05
11/9/2005 - Segment 1 | views (4924) | comments (5) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 11/9/2005:
1 - 11-09-05
1 - 110905.mp3 Comments(1)
Wed Nov 9, 2005: The Panama Canal Sucks
Pedophiles on the news recap
Trolling for put-downs for JB to use against Terry Bradshaw
One of Don's childhood friends accidentally sets his head on fire
Fights with dumbass callers
Terell Owens recap
Local anchors
The Panama Canal sucks
News scan

9/8/2009 13:34:38 - by STEVENO

11/10/2010 00:47:59 - by nitropugs
You know.........there really is nothing out there like Don and Mike. I work in radio......10 f'ing years, radio is my whole f'ing's an obsession really......but I hear a lot of shows........there is NOTHING as good as Don and Mike. And this is any random segment. The only reason I chose this one is that it's 5 years to the day. I fucking miss the Don and Mike show.

11/10/2010 00:49:41 - by nitropugs
At least pacific standard.

11/10/2010 07:31:55 - by mcfadone
AMEN brother! The only thing that even comes close is the TMOS...

12/9/2010 14:21:35 - by Ed OG
I'm with you 100%.....the show was and is the only thing that ever tickled my funnybone on radio. I miss it and am grateful to have the episodes here

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