The beginning of the end at WAVA -- this is D&M's first broadcast following the announcement that the station "has been sold to the Christians" and the guys set the stage for their rapid departure.
There was a show from 1991 I have a tape of somewhere, when they
were still on WAVA, where they had Bobcat and Charles Fleischer (the
voice of Roger Rabbit), and it was one of the funniest things ever. I have
it on tape at my parent's house and listened to it over and over as a kid.
Also, I believe on that same episode, they played the tapes of Linda
McCartney's wife's isolated mic during a live performance of Hey Jude
where she was just terrible. That could have been a different episode
than the one with Bobcat and Charles Fleischer, but just the same. I'll try
to dig it up next time we're visiting my parents, but If anyone has that
episode, I'd love to hear it.