Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 1992 Podcasts > 081492-The Memphis Riots.mp3
8/14/1992 - Segment 1 | views (12273) | comments (11) | add comment
081492-The Memphis Riots.mp3
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1 - 081492-The Memphis Riots.mp3

1/14/2011 11:20:01 - by DawnnO
SOooOOO Freakin GREAT!

2/5/2011 19:06:47 - by D&M Fan
Who knew that the Graceland folks were such brownshirts -- shoving Diana aside to pull the plug on the broadcast. And how funny is it to hear Don give a Prodigy ID for people to send message (pre-email)? Great segment filled with great Major Bill Smith comments.

2/23/2011 15:28:00 - by Michael F.
I remember the broadcast they mention during this show...about the time they were kicked out of DisneyWorld. That was hilarious...sending Frank to chase around the empty park before it (I guess) was officially opened to the public.

11/22/2012 02:56:30 - by Ace
I still celebrate Elvis Death Day!

5/7/2014 01:48:58 - by GreatStuff
Amazing radio. First 15 min or so of this mp3 is uhhh... Not to my liking but
who knows maybe more inside jokes I'm not privy to. Damn, this is classic.
I wish I heard more live instead of 06-08. If Don is doing his own show,
Mike has his own show, god damn they should get back together.

8/31/2015 14:32:32 - by Dhondi
the origin of the CLASSIC "would you identify yourself" Maj. Bill Smith sample.

8/5/2016 09:18:22 - by ByTheRoots!
the Elvis Celebration continues today with the
"Melee In Memphis" edits available for download on the main page.... this episode provided the main portion and was a terrific listen.....

8/10/2016 21:56:46 - by Fish
ByTheRoots, could you help make sense of all the tracks you complied? its ALOT of files and id love to put them all on shuffle but, could you type up a highlights list or, your "best of"?

Im spreading Elvis Death Day to the fellows at work ;)

8/11/2016 11:28:59 - by ByTheRoots!
Hiya Fish ,
The tracklist highlights are in each full show folder... If you open the "1998 Edited" or the "Elvis Is Still Dead Show-Stories Version" folders , there will be a text file you can open by clicking or downloading and opening on your desktop , with the Tracklisting of the segment titles for that show..... individual track folders , such as the "Hamburger James" folder will have year dates of the segment of self explanatory titles of each track..... so the highlights are already there for the taking amigo...
glad to see ya spreading the Elvis joy......

be on the lookout on the morning of the 16th , because I will be posting a link , in a comment, to a zipfile for the newly revamped , now in chronological order , and slightly expanded "Freedom From Constipation" which will also be in better quality and contain the updated tracklist .....

8/16/2020 16:43:54 - by Dr. Chip Bandwidth
Happy Elvis is Still Dead Day!

7/22/2021 12:49:29 - by Tom McTardo
Getting close!

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