Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 010700.mp3
1/7/2000 - Segment 1 | views (10698) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 010700.mp3
Fri Jan 7, 2000: What Would Jesus Click?
Things Don likes, things Don doesn't like
Trying to chat with Jesus on the His website
Phoner with Leslie Visser
Pick the Pros with Rudy Martzke
Meet Alan Leinwand, the new acting-GM
Freda will be lunching with Ken Stevens's wife

10/12/2011 13:47:18 - by D&M Fan
Good opening segment with Old Man Buzz trying to get on a website to talk with Jesus and an excellent phoner with MNF reporter Leslie Visser. Next, D&M conduct an in-depth interview with new WJFK VP & general manager Alan Leinwahn. Movieman Charlie Stossell reviews "Snow Falling on Cedars", "Hurricane" and "Magnolia". Show cuts off after two hours, in the middle of a pretty funny phone scan/discussion on the Budwiser "What's up?" commercials and right as Tom Gavin calls.

3/15/2020 21:12:34 - by Big Daddy Dan Wilkinson
Bart uses his crystal ball to predict Don and Freda renting an apartment in NYC. Classic.
All downhill from here with Alan Leinwand.
The worst birthday spanking of all time. Effin gross really.

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