Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 090700.mp3
9/7/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5944) | comments (3) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 9/7/2000:
1 - 090700.mp3
Thurs Sept 7, 2000: F*cked by a Stump
Juicy Lucy gives Wendell sweet release
Don cuts a voice over for Yes, Dear
Big Brother recap
Mr 40 in-studio
Dennis Murphy in-studio to show off pix of his FB in Arizona
Charlie Stossel
Phone scan
D&M compete at Playstation Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy
Way Out There (male cheerleaders)

6/24/2011 19:36:26 - by issues
Mr. 40 AND Dennis Murphy in studio

5/13/2012 12:15:44 - by D&M Fan
What can I say? Mr. Forty steals the show in today's
From his total attention deficit to his administration of a
birthday spanking to a lovely caller, Mr. Forty is one laugh
after another. No wonder Dennis was so quick to come by the
studio -- he was terrified of being pushed aside by a much
more entertaining member of the Don and Mike Misfit Army.
Another great segment is the Charlie Stossel story, written
a very creative listener in Reno. Sure, it's a picture book,
but Don does everyone a favor by describing the photos in
GREAT detail. Hysterical!

10/9/2013 21:12:41 - by dirty petey
Great episode. D&M are invigorated by the presence of Mr Four Zero

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