It's Monday, and the Redskins have fired head coach Norval Turner. Not a big surprise, given the team's dismal performance during the 2000-2001 season, but the story of how Norv was fired shows that NFL owners treat their staffers even worse than Infinity Broadcasting/CBS Radio does. This leads to a phone call from "Norv" to talk about his job a dancer or professional figure skater. Next, we hear audio from the weekend paintball match between sales and the rest of the WJFK staff. My favorite has to be Joe Ardinger "I'm comin' home!" and the runner-up is Mr. Forty's advice to Buzz, "You need to go back out there and pretend that those folks are all HUGE STROLLERS!" Oh, and both Don and Mike are ready for someone, ANYONE to conceded the Bush/Gore 2000 election. Very soon Don will get his wish...