Mike is rocking new glasses today -- and everyone has to chime in about them. Don goes through the mailbag to read celebrity Christmas cards, including one from Julio Inglesias, who loves the show. Great call from a UPS driver and D&M fan in NYC who has lots of stories from the route to share with the gang.Robb is devastated when a caller guesses the Secret Song (Bad Company) and wins $500. Robb's bad streak continues with calls from BN, AN, Mr. 40 and one of Mr. 40's supporters -- four black guys in a single segment. Next, Don launches in to full investigative reporter mode as he tries to get the bottom of a claim that sales chief Steve Goldsteen broke up a Christmas party on the Friday before the holiday. Robb has the best line of the segment, "He just hasn't been the same since his partner Jacob Marley died." Then movieman Charlie Stossel drops in to review "Traffic", debate the merits of "Castaway" and "What Women Want" -- both of which Don saw over the holiday and hated -- and pick up his prison mail. His inmate admirers never fail to disappoint.