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1/25/2001 - Segment 1 | views (5995) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 012501.mp3
Thurs Jan 25, 2001: What's In There?
Teasing the Super Bowl show
Temptation Island recap
What's In There game
Celebrity home tv shows
Oxbig & Litoris (death museum)

4/29/2011 18:33:02 - by D&M Fan
The show opens with a call from a Howard Stern fan who is convinced that the show is scripted and challenges the guys to "devidate" from the script. Moron. Next, there is an extended conversation about "Survivor", "Temptation Island" and "The Mole" and the merits of each -- including the hosts. Three gals and three guys drop by the studio to play "What You Got In There?" a game where the guy/gal sticks something in their butt or vageen and D&M can ask 5 questions each before they guess the item. IMHO, the final contestant has the BEST item!

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