It's Mon-DEEE and Don is trying out a new, streamlined opening so the show actually runs on time. That translates into more time for the guys to complain about local weather forecasters who predicted a 2 foot blizzard that didn't happen. Don wants an apology - or a hanging. So he calls DC weatherman Bob Ryan to give him a hard time. I applaud Mr. Ryan for being such a good sport. Next, Don recaps an awkward dinner with Ken and Roz Stevens, which was crashed by Don and Freyda's crazy British neighbors. An interview with a former Jay Leno staff writer and author of a new humorous book about the Mafia leads to an impromptu call to "Jay". Then, tapes from Robb's trip to NYC and the bit Sopranos season premiere. Don promises a caller $50,000 if the caller can guess Secret Song #7; I won't spoil the surprise. Finally, Cheryl the Big Dyke calls in to give her analysis of Buzz and Robb's big appearance the night before.