For today's episode the guys are in New York, broadcasing from WNEW. Best caller #100 EVER is Ce-lo, a maximum inmate at the New Jersey state prison in Trenton serving 26 years for getting into a shootout with police. But he didn't kill anyone, so Don agrees to give him a prize. Next, we hear tapes from Joe Ardinger's trip to Frederick, Md. to present gifts (flowers, M&Ms and cigarettes) to Dick and Jimmy Van Patten and Frank Gorshen) and administer the sex quiz to each of them. If nothing else, this bit reinforces what a genuinely nice guy Dick Van Patten is. Finally, a the guys try to give away a trip to Iceland to a lucky listener; all he/she needs to do is recap the "story" the gang has written, one word at a time over the past four hours, about Hitler being gay.