Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2002 Podcasts > 120202.mp3
12/2/2002 - Segment 1 | views (5893) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 12/2/2002:
1 - 120202.mp3
Mon Dec 2, 2002: You're Outta Here!
Bestof: Doni's Record Bag
New: Traffic
Fights with callers (BN gets banned for life)
Don's Thanksgiving/Solaris sucks/Rob finds Bart's Playboy
Christmas party arrangements
Atlantic City recap
Lisa's birthday nudes
Atlantic City recap continues
Football recap
Sopranos review

12/4/2013 17:09:14 - by D&M Fan
It's the best kind of show -- one without any callers! It
didn't start out that way, but after a series of callers who
pissed off the Radio Gods, about 1 hour into the opening
segment Don decides to stop taking calls for the rest of the
show. Let's go ahead and call it "The Day Sacramento Cried"
as we imagine the combined fury of the dumbass NorCal
callers unable to share their unique observations. The rest
of the show, with the exception of Lisa's birthday
strippers, is limited to the regular gang recapping their
respective weekends and the TV shows they watched, and
discussing arrangements for the upcoming Christmas party.

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