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1/27/2003 - Segment 1 | views (6901) | comments (4) | add comment
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2/5/2011 18:21:04 - by Jables
Good Belcher opening, Don makes good on his bet that he made with a listener. The superbowl commercials recap. "Jerk-off on the line". "John Madden" stops by for a bit, and Tom Gavin calls in. Contestants jump in a truck bed filled with manure. News and comments.

1/26/2015 14:45:01 - by D&M Fan
It's no secret that Kindly Old Buzz is a favorite with
the ladies: he's sensitive, a smooth talker, and open to
sexual experimentation. In short, he's the "anti Don and
Mike" and that works great to balance the show. But
occasionally that Buzz breaks out with a doozy, proving
that he's just as mean-spirited and sarcastic as our
beloved Radio Gods...and in this episode it happens
TWICE! The first time is during a discussion about former
WJFK executive Ken Stevens (around 1:29) and the second
is during a phone scan, when Buzz comments on Malcolm
Glazer's (the owner of the Tampa Bay Buccaneer) physical
appearance (around 2:16). Both comments are laugh out
loud funny.

11/2/2020 22:56:17 - by Harry
I call bullshit, that was 1000% Gladys Kravitz pretending to be Malcolm Glazer's daughter...

Kinda surprised Rob(b) didn't immediately bust her!

12/31/2021 06:43:39 - by berlinas2k
Spoiler alert: on the 03-03-03 episode, Gladys confesses to the prank call.

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