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9/22/2003 - Segment 1 | views (6498) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 092203.mp3
Mon September 22, 2003: You Better Be Jolly Now, Damn It!
Signed a new 5-year deal with Westwood 1
Salute to the stations that are carrying the show
First fight with an affiliate since the new contract - Burlington owner/board-op melts down, wants plasma tv
Freda is suspicious of Westwood 1's motives
Mike is confident that the Sox will go to the postseason
Satan gets a pat on the back for his help on the new contract
Dumb and dumber: Alan vs. D&M's agent
A phone call to Alan about why Alan took them off the air
Freda hasn't taken the Viagra yet
Don's first visit to the county dump
Don's weekend: the whore at the restaurant, Freda's ass
Bart's surprise visit for Don's birthday
Voice mail from George McFly
Emmy Awards recap
Eight Simple Rules for My Funeral

7/19/2011 13:59:30 - by Jables
Belcher opener.the guys finally have their syndication deal in place and give the details on it. Steve from KCJJ calls in. The guys grill Al about the hold-ups on the deal. A welcome back callers segment with Don farting into the mic. Don describes his evening out with that Burbanks. News and comments.

2/14/2015 11:51:30 - by Nick Bell
Captain Steve from KCJJ calls in at 30:23 and is pissed. Captain Steve is livid and wants a god damn plasma from Alan Leinwand.

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