Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2004 Podcasts > 010704.mp3
1/7/2004 - Segment 1 | views (11175) | comments (3) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 1/7/2004:
1 - 010704.mp3
Wed Jan 7, 2004: My Tsunami Mommy
Best-of: Mike's disasterous poker-run on his friend's boat, cavalcade of bad DJ tapes
Why Joe Gibbs doesn't like D&M
Why David Modell is nuts
Arnold's State of the State speech
Phoner with the authors of "Married to Mommy?"
Tabloid scan: Princess Di "murder," George Harrison's deathbed, Dick
Gregory's hunger strike
Craig Wilson
Part-time-dad Mike buys his kids a pony
Bark-off for Cash

1/26/2014 09:34:22 - by D&M Fan
For all the D&M historians, this is an episode for the "time
capsule" because this is the show in which Mike reveals that
he has purchased a pony for his girls (but NOT to compensate
for the divorce, mind you!). Poor Hershey. As anyone who has
followed Mike through his many infomercial product purchases,
it's simply a matter of time before Hershey ends up on a
shelf in the garage, forgotten.

1/26/2014 11:48:23 - by mcfadone
Love it! Share on the PYBS Facebook page :)

1/26/2014 11:49:19 - by mcfadone

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