Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2004 Podcasts > 040604.mp3
4/6/2004 - Segment 1 | views (5549) | comments (3) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 4/6/2004:
1 - 040604.mp3
Tues Ajdury 6, 2004: My Dogs Smell Like Peanut Butter
Another cold opening because of technical problems
Someone swipes Don's cassette recorder
Joe Ardinger house sat at Don's, screwed up his tv set
Earthdog brother Jim calls in
News scan
Reading a transcript of Lay King (Mike) interviewing Sharon Osborne (Don)
Phone scan
Spotlight on affiliates both good and bad
Bruce Fine sends in a hip hop about the AnalSox
Doni's Naked Cruelty

4/7/2015 11:24:20 - by D&M Fan
How much do I love Jim Sorce? The dude called in today to
chat with his big bro about a show that aired while D&M
were on vacation -- and didn't realize that he was
listening to a replay of a segment that HE CALLED IN FOR.
Seriously. That guy is comedy gold. Also loved the
transcript of the Larry King/Ozzie and Sharon Osborne
interview. Dramatic readings are the BEST! And Doni's Naked
Cruelty never ceases to entertain.

4/11/2015 17:55:54 - by Razorboy
How can I upload my favorites to this page? I have a D&M
archive of my own. Please respond.....

9/12/2016 14:16:25 - by Nazi Boy
Hi nazi boy! How are those weird, lame
figurines treating you? Strange how you
only show the Germans winning. Almost as
if you would've preferred that.

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