Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2004 Podcasts > 052004.mp3
5/20/2004 - Segment 1 | views (5113) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 5/20/2004:
1 - 052004.mp3
Thurs May 20, 2004: Like Cadbury Easter Eggs
Don cries over American Idol, won't admit it
Angry Kings fans
Don has some cicada sushi
Goofy kid names
They Just Won't Listen continues
Phoner with the guy who touts the benefits of singing showtunes

7/20/2016 11:33:57 - by D&M Fan
The cicada-eating session is not appropriate for anyone
with a squeamish stomach, trust me! Loved the segment on
stupid celebrity baby names and what normal people are
naming their kids. "Sincere"? Seriously? Of course, I
listened and imagined for one moment what our Radio Gods
would have said about "North West." SMDH. Loved, loved,
LOVED "They Just Won't Listen" but mostly because I love it
when they use the bullhorn with the siren. Makes me laugh
every time!

5/24/2017 10:41:27 - by I'll Drink to That
Buzz had be in tears during his "They Just Won't Listen". Nailed it!!
1h 40m 00s

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