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7/2/2004 - Segment 1 | views (4876) | comments (5) | add comment
070204 BO.mp3
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Other podcasts from 7/2/2004:
1 - 070204 BO.mp3
Fri July 2, 2004: Reruns
Four lips, two asses: a call to Lisa Remedy & Kevin James
Mike gets a nasty call when the future ex bounces a check
Four lips, two asses part deux: a call to Lisa Remedy & Kevin James
Argument with a deuchebag general manager
D&M on the set of Queen of Kings
The night afterward, and Don angers Mrs. Barry White
LBJ (Antonio Banderas)

8/9/2017 02:09:00 - by NorCalFan
So, at the time of this episode, Mike was making at least a
million, possibly two million dollars a year and he bounced
a check for $24? Holy shit. I understand he had overdraft
protection and it was a bank mistake, but with that kind of
salary, how the hell was his balance so low? That's really

8/9/2017 02:09:25 - by NorCalFan
So, at the time of this episode, Mike was making at least a
million, possibly two million dollars a year and he bounced
a check for $24? Holy shit. I understand he had overdraft
protection and it was a bank mistake, but with that kind of
salary, how the hell was his balance so low? That's really

8/10/2017 21:43:37 - by jdawg
While I doubt he was earning 7 figures I don't doubt that if
he were, he could easily bounce a check. There's no
limitation on how many checking accounts to which one has
access. This account could've been one he only used sparingly
and didn't top up.

8/15/2017 14:57:50 - by Fish
In 04 or 05 while Don was in the middle of
a rave out he dropped the fact that their
contract at the time was 2+ mil a year.

Mike, nervously, added that his share was
considerably less due to alimony, lolz.

8/23/2017 08:55:55 - by jdawg
$2 mil each? or to pay for the entire show's salary? 2 mil
split between 6 people, agent fees, taxes, etc

Also Don and Mike were radio guys and all radio djs are
liars. I could see them letting something slip for some
contract reasons or something.

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