Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2004 Podcasts > 080204.mp3
8/2/2004 - Segment 1 | views (5858) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 8/2/2004:
1 - 080204.mp3
Mon Aug 2, 2004: What About Midnight Cowboy?
Crappy weather in DC; it's sunny in Sacramento
One of Freda's friends says Don looks like Dustin Hoffman
Mike's weekend at Atlantic City, and Mike's gambling problem
More political rants, news scan
Phoner with Samantha Pilek from Trading Spouses
New Col. Sanders tapes

3/1/2013 15:15:55 - by Jables
Doctor Tom Gavin calls in at 1:23. And professes his love for
the "Human Monster show"

5/24/2022 10:16:19 - by ragin cajun
Dustin Hoffman, yeah right....Shrek would have been a better
celebrity lookalike. Don's complexion is on par with Manuel

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