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11/4/1999 - Segment 1 | views (5894) | comments (5) | add comment
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11/15/2013 14:37:30 - by Steebin
What would you do for $1500? - rundown of freakshow participants
Lady who will eat Spam off of Dennis Murphy's Feet is running late
Don's power is out at home and he is suffering
Don calls Directv customer service
Mice in Don's house update
Top 100 entertainers list

**A new show starts (11/5/99)**
Caller dedicates nipple piercings to Don and Mike
Freakshow recap
Prepping Rob for Redskins game announcing gig
TV ratings
Dennis calls in about freakshow
Don's dog scare
Charlie Stossel movie reviews
Secret sound caller (for $80,000)
Freda has eye surgery on air
"Phrase that pays" winner
Buzz's news

11/5/2020 19:06:18 - by Whoa
The contestant "Janet" who was the same contestant who
flashed the guys in a show from the week before is the same
Janet that Don is married to now. She has a very distinct
voice. So Don was lying the whole time about how they met
and started a relationship after Frieda died.

He said they randomly met in a doctor's waiting room. What
are the odds that Don and Janet had a secret relationship
the entire time and when Frieda died they made it official?

11/12/2020 12:58:16 - by Boss hogg
That is quite the conspiracy theory. Don't
have time to listen now but yeah Janet does
have a recognizable voice. Would be
interesting to hear side by side comparison.
Would know for sure

11/13/2020 12:48:40 - by Patrick
Don and Mike were sued over a sexual
Assault incident with a college student..
Donnie was caught with coke/ dope twice..
He lived liked he wanted to. .. A piece on
the side seems in character

11/14/2020 03:13:53 - by Drew
There's only one thing we can say for sure: who gives a shit

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