Mon Mar 20, 2006: Reruns
Mike on vic Mike needs an MRI for his back pain
TV Talk
-Ken Jennings loses on Jeopardy
-Desperate Housewives
-Leah Remini is big as a house
-Which is better, USA Network or WWGN?
Medical Information Line game
+Reminiscing about an old ZZ Top concert
+Phone scan
Receptionist Collette on tape (pitched down) sounds like Robert Mailman
+Phoner with Jackie Stallone picks the Oscars * (* not being nominated is irrelevant)
- Best actor Sam Jackson
- Best supporting actor DiCrapio
- Best actress Hillary Swank and Annette Benning (tie)
- Best picture Aviator
- Best director Eastwood and Scorrsese (tie)
Don & Freda fly to Miami with Forest Gump kid
Don's Miami cruise recap - who ratted him out for smoking cigars?
+ Second half of BO mostly from 2/8/05. Thanks to ajdury for the CSI work.